Evaluating schools to determine which one offers the right graphic design program is an important first step for students. With 1020 graphic design colleges and universities nationwide, selecting the school that is the best fit for you can be a serious task – while there is no conclusive answer for choosing a college, you can get a good start by evaluating school rankings and guides to help you find the right fit.

Best Graphic Design Programs in Delaware for 2019

Top 10 Graphic Design Programs in Delaware

School rankings are based on data published by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), a system of surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education. Key factors include a commitment to high academic standards, return on investment, faculty ratings, and long-term employment statistics that track graduate success.
  • Delaware College of Art and Design
  • University of Delaware
  • Wilmington University

Our Rankings

Graphic designers are professionals who harness both their artistic and technical skillsets in order to communicate an message to their clients’ audience. Occasionally called graphic artists, they are employed throughout various industries including manufacturing, IT, advertising, and non-profit. Either alone or in teams, graphic designers are responsible for choosing, assembling and manipulating images, type, logos, and other media in order to create and share their message through channels like newspapers, magazines, or websites. In order to be considered an effective graphic designer, the professional must be willing to solve visual and spatial problems from both an art and technical perspective. Contrary to popular belief, graphic artists do not need to master pen and paper artistic skills, as much of today’s work is done digitally. The colleges listed below have excellent standards of teaching in the field, and continue to offer the best in regard to art education.

Delaware Employment & Jobs Outlook

Students who complete a graphic design major graduate with a ability that is very much in demand by employers in many fields. Often however, these new graduates face strong competition for graphic design jobs due to the many talented individuals that apply for graphic design position. Current data from Careerinfonet.org indicates that the employment outlook for the field is definitely promising. Graphic design employment in the state of Delaware is forecast to increase by 7% or by 10 jobs every year from now until 2020. These new jobs are classified by Careerinfonet.org as ‘new growth’.